John Stuart

美 [dʒɑːn ˈstuərt]英 [dʒɒn ˈstjʊət]
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John StuartJohn Stuart
  1. The Positive Impact of John Stuart Mill Utilitarian Concept of Happiness to Network Moral Education of College Students


  2. John Stuart Mill 's Educational Thoughts of Utilitarianism


  3. Going back in time , the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages .


  4. John Stuart Mill was an English utilitarian philosopher and social reformist in the 19th century .


  5. John Stuart Mill worried in the mid-19th century that the rise of capitalism would provoke social decay .


  6. John Stuart Mill and Socialism


  7. John Stuart Mill famously said that it is better to be Socrates unhappy rather than a pig happy .


  8. John Stuart Mill 's On Liberty


  9. Critique and Reconstruction of the Legitimacy and Rationality of Public Power : A Discussion on John Stuart Mill 's Utilitarian Political Philosophy


  10. IN THE grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys .


  11. John Stuart Mill is a 19th century British writer and thinker with great influence upon his age as well as upon the modern society .


  12. The second method of analysis in international business ethics derives from utilitarianism , primarily established by John Stuart Mill ( 1806 - 1873 ) .


  13. Jeremy Bentham 、 James Mill and John Stuart Mill were the famous utilitarian ethicists in the 19th century in England .


  14. When society requires to be rebuilt , there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan . ( John Stuart Mill , British economist )


  15. Nothing does happiness more harm than giving it too much thought : as John Stuart Mill said : Ask yourself whether you are happy , and you cease to be so .


  16. We wonder if , had some professors been on the platform , would they have paused to ponder how John Stuart Mill might have parsed the choices ?


  17. IN THE grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys . Between them , they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism .


  18. Based on his utilitarianism , John Stuart Mill 's critique of theories of the legitimacy and rationality of public power comes along with his reconstruction of the legitimacy and rationality of public power in the Enlightenment period .


  19. This influence is mainly reflected by John Stuart Mill , Jevons , Irving Fisher who inherited and developed the economic philosophy of Jeremy Bentham . Their economic philosophy have both connections and differences .


  20. In 1829 the then-young economist John Stuart Mill put his finger on how it was that there could be excess supply of everything in the economy of pretty much all currently produced goods and services and all kinds of workers .


  21. Mill , John Stuart , is a famous English political ideologist of liberalism in the 19th century , possessing a vital position in the western political and ideological history , for his bridging role from classic liberalism to neo-liberalism .


  22. John Stuart Mill was a landmark figure in the Western liberal tradition . His ideas carry forward classical liberalism and go beyond it , and this makes him a very important thinker in the transition from classical liberalism to the new liberalism .


  23. John Leighton Stuart was born in China in 1876 .


  24. John Leighton Stuart , a Chinese born American , had an important impact on Chinese Society during the period of Republic of China .


  25. John Leighton Stuart was the US Ambassador to China during the Second Civil War between the KMT and the CPC .


  26. I agree with Royal Tutor but lack of evidence 1 . John Leighton Stuart was born in China in 1876 .


  27. John Leighton Stuart was a person who had important influence on the modern Chinese history and Sino-US relations , and he has always been a controversial figure .


  28. John Leighton Stuart and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China ( 1946-1949 ) On the Practical Experience of Structuring the Harmonious Society in the Yan ′ an Period by Communist Party of China


  29. John Locke in the stage of natural rights , David Hume and Adam Smith in the Scottish Enlightenment , Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill as Utilitarian are the respective representatives of the three development stages . The five thinkers ' works are classical versions of these fields .
